Wing Yoga ( aerial)
This style has been for me an enthusiastic new yoga concept, which can merge between a traditional discipline and a more modernised practice with the use of firm and strong fabrics. The swing (hammock) is used to support the body during the poses and helps you stretch better against gravity. By practising Wing Yoga you can achieve some unique benefits.
I found Aerial Wing Yoga a very beneficial practice, nice and physically speaking develops an elasticity without too many risks and will definitely help you to safely stretch your muscles and tendons and relieve back pain with antigravity. Decompression techniques are known to help alleviate pain symptoms originating from injury or posture that has resulted in spinal or sciatic nerve compression, disc degeneration, fascial tension, muscular tightness and joint restriction.
Studies from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) show that women who did three 50-minute aerial yoga classes a week for six weeks experienced a change. They lost an average of two and a half pounds, 2 per cent body fat, and about one inch from their waist.
It helps to boost confidence and mood: In addition to the opportunity to learn something new, Wing Yoga makes more advanced yoga poses accessible to beginner yogis with the support of the swing which can boost confidence in the practice and provide a sense of accomplishment. Swinging increases spatial awareness. Swinging helps develop gross motor skills—pumping legs, running, jumping.
Swinging helps develop fine motor skills—grip strength, hand, arm and finger coordination. Swinging develops a child's core muscles and helps with the development of balance. Wing Yoga boosts flexibility, it can heal back pain.
Yes, are you suffering from back issues? Wing Yoga works wonders when it comes to healing spinal issues. Exercises done in Wing yoga put less stress on the back. One of its leading benefits is decompression of the spine. It is sometimes even used for physical rehabilitation.
It lets you hang freely, which allows your spine to lengthen. Puts you In a great mood Yoga can enhance your mood and relieve stress and when it comes to Wing Yoga, that benefit is further enhanced.
You will find your stress vanish as you are hanging free in the air. It is psychologically as beneficial as any other workout as it aids in rebuilding your emotional system. Develops new body skills, with Wing Yoga, you can perform many inversion poses that you could not earlier. You learn some new body skills when you are suspended against gravity, and your stretches are more effective and non-restrictive.
Improves Balance, going against gravity is not only exciting but also offers many benefits. Wing yoga helps with balance and stability in many activities performed on a day to day basis.
Isn’t that amazing? At the end of all, it is a complete Workout.
Are you always switching between upper and lower body workouts? Well, with Wing yoga, you can have them both at once. One of the benefits of it is that the entire body is made to move and stretch, which tones and redefines the muscles of the upper as well as lower body.
In a way, Wing yoga can regenerate and strengthen the joints during a workout session. These are just the physical and mental benefits. The spiritually uplifting experience of Wing yoga takes the mind away from what is regular and takes it to an extraordinary place. It can increase one’s creativity and even help develop artistic skills.
It gives a rush of positivity and joy. It’s fun and acrobatic and a type of yoga you ought to try. The stretching and upside-down movements might make you assume that would affect your digestive system.
Fear not! All it does is improve its functioning. It helps to heal various digestion-related issues, including constipation and indigestion. All that stretching can relax your abdomen and provide relief from irritable bowel syndrome as well.