Transcend the limitations of the body and mind into subtler realms of awareness, energy, and spirit in Sacred Kundalini. Through this practice, we explore kriyas, mantras, meditations, and pranayama to enhance vitality, immunity, creativity, and intuition. Together, we cultivate and deepen our relationship with chakras, subtle realms of energy, vibration, and consciousness. You will feel uplifted, grounded, balanced, and transformed in mind, body, and spirit.
Through Kundalini you can experience a heightened awareness of intuition, a deep sense of purpose and destiny, the urge to make life changes, physical and emotional changes like sleep disturbances, anxiety, surges of energy, and shaking.
The nervous system is a central component of our overall health and well-being, informing all aspects of our body functions. A strong nervous system allows us to remain stable and steady despite the growing pressure of the times.
Yet the times are marked by information overload, polarized social and political circles, emotional, environmental and financial stress. The individual and collective nervous system is under pressure like never before.
It’s in times like these that we turn towards practice, embracing Kundalini Yoga for its capacity to strengthen the nervous system and allow us to thrive in these times. Explore this week’s Yogic Living for resources to regulate and strengthen your nervous system with Kundalini Yoga.
A strong nervous system helps us stay calm and steady through times of stress.
- You'll restore your body to its deeper vitality
- You'll bring your mind into a state of enlivened peace
- You'll feel your hearts' natural joy and wonder!
You’ll move your body, experience enlivening yogic exercises, utilise transporting breath-work, and drop into a meditative space where worries drop away and creativity reigns supreme!
Increasing the awareness to the physical and mental body while feeling relaxed afterwards. This yoga works the physical body by making you sweat in certain poses but a relaxation period is always built in between each exercise
Kundalini yoga is an intense practice, but both its physical and mental benefits make it a great option for beginners and advanced yogis alike.
Why wear white? Yogi Bhajan claimed that your aura extends nine feet around your body, but the color white extends your aura by an extra foot, providing more protection from harmful energy and projects your positive energy out to inspire others and attract prosperity into your life